Tuesday, February 10, 2009

[xiamen,china] Lunch in the lake side

・・・午前中は忙しい。まず銀行に出向き日本円を香港ドルに変えようとした。予想通り全額換金はできなかった。窓口の男性は日本円を香港ドルへの換金額の上限を伝えてきた。予定の額を得るには人民元で、もしくは米ドルでという。仕方ない、日本円でできるだけ換金し、残りを人民元に切り替えた。何故香港ドルが必要になったのか、そう、こちらに来る際香港の空港で「至福の携帯電話」を目にしたからだ。さあ明日の香港が楽しみになった・・・ (すべてを読む

[ today's photos ] The lake side placed between Lakeside north road and south road is a stroll road. It is pleasant even coming here. Fine weather continues for a long time after I come Xiamen, so shade is cool for a moment. The scene from the lake side to the island catches one's eye. The parade of the Lantern Festival will be held tonight. A red decoration was performed.

Monday, February 09, 2009

[xiamen,china] It's bright all are bright


香港を経由して三か月ぶりの廈門だ。台北と違い、澄んだ空と乾燥した空気、湖浜北路を行き交う人々の表情も、澄んだ空気同様明るい。女性たちの衣服も彩度の高い色合いだ。厦門の、目にするすべてが明るかった・・・ (すべてを読む

[ today's photos ] After had a meal together, we went to Javaromas coffee shop. The doctor likes a gadget. He took a picture of me with the cellular phone while our chatting. Doctor is using iPhone when he returns to Taiwan, but it is enough in Sony Ericsson's cellular phone in Xiamen.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

[Taipei] Is-real "the most cool fashion Item"


[ today's photos ] The most coolest item when Israeli girl goes out. In Israel, this item is cooler than IT bag and an expensive perfume. It's M16 subumachine gun. (from: lady 163.com http://lady.163.com/09/0119/17/501PCA8S002623ON.html)