Monday, February 09, 2009

[xiamen,china] It's bright all are bright


香港を経由して三か月ぶりの廈門だ。台北と違い、澄んだ空と乾燥した空気、湖浜北路を行き交う人々の表情も、澄んだ空気同様明るい。女性たちの衣服も彩度の高い色合いだ。厦門の、目にするすべてが明るかった・・・ (すべてを読む

[ today's photos ] After had a meal together, we went to Javaromas coffee shop. The doctor likes a gadget. He took a picture of me with the cellular phone while our chatting. Doctor is using iPhone when he returns to Taiwan, but it is enough in Sony Ericsson's cellular phone in Xiamen.


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